Our Prayers


Read the Latest Prayers

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia

Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven!
hallowed be thy name;
may your kingdom come;
Thy will be done, as in ...

Apostolic Creed

Saint Archangel Michael, leader of the legions of heaven, protect us in the battle against evil and the ...


In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rising from sleep, I run to You, ...

Angel of god

Holy Angel of God, guardian and protector of my soul! Be with me today, direct me to the path of God's ...

Prayer before starting any good deed

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Bless, Lord, the work I am starting
and ...

Prayer after meals


For all your blessings
and for the gifts that we have tasted, we
thank you, almighty God, ...

Prayer before meals

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Bless us, Lord, and ...

Prayer of St. Ignatius

Accept, Lord, all my freedom.
Take my memory, reason and will.
Everything that I have or that I have,
everything ...

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Lord, King of Heaven,
Spirit of truth and soul of my soul, I
worship You and pray You:
instruct me, strengthen ...

Prayer to the holy Archangel Michael

Saint Archangel Michael, leader of the legions of heaven, protect us in the battle against evil and the ...

Prayer to the Most Holy Mary

Majestic Queen of Heaven, Supreme Queen of Angels! You received from God the power and mission to smite ...

Prayer for a sick child

God, the source of all life and strength! Stretch out your hand to (name) , which (-s) at the beginning ...

Prayer during an illness, or a difficult trial

Oh Jesus, you were pleased to accept suffering and wounds for our salvation. In my sufferings I sometimes ...

Prayer for the healing of the sick

Almighty eternal God, eternal salvation of believers! Hear our prayers for the sick and show them Your ...

Prayer for recovery

Lord my God, Lord over life and death! What words can I thank You for the healing given to me from the ...

Hail Queen

Glory, Queen, Mother of Mercy,
life, joy and our hope, glory !.
We cry to You in exile, child of Eve.
We ...

Prayers for the dead

Grant them eternal rest, Lord,
and may eternal light shine on them.
- Lord have mercy.
- Christ, have ...

Prayer before starting the journey

Lord, accompany me on this journey, protect me in all circumstances from all temptations and evil. Through ...

Prayer for the Fatherland

God, with your wonderful advice, you made the universe. Accept graciously the prayers that we offer You ...

Prayer for Peace

God, You have revealed to us that the peacemakers will be called Your sons. We pray to You: grant a lasting ...

Parents' Prayer for Children

Lord bless my children; keep them healthy; keep them from all evil, and grant them firmness in every ...

Prayer of children for parents

Lord bless my parents; preserve their health and help them in all good deeds all the days of their lives, ...

Prayer for Christian Unity

Eternal Father, according to Your infinite mercy, You sent Your Only Begotten Son, Who became Man, to ...

Prayer for the bishop

God, by unspeakable mercy and love You care for and govern Your people. Give the spirit of wisdom to ...

Prayer for the Pope

Lord, bless the Holy Father, our Pope ...; help him in his ministry as a pastor of the Universal Church; ...

Prayer for the Church

Lord, our God, always guard Your Church, protecting her from all difficulties on the path of her earthly ...

Prayer for those in distress and adversity

God, our refuge in trouble, giving strength when we are exhausted, and comfort when we are grieving. ...

Prayer for prisoners

God Almighty and Merciful, You alone know the innermost secrets of hearts; You know who is righteous; ...

Prayer for those in distress and adversity

God, our refuge in trouble, giving strength when we are exhausted, and comfort when we are grieving. ...

Prayer for prisoners

God Almighty and Merciful, You alone know the innermost secrets of hearts; You know who is righteous; ...

The deed of dedication to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

O Most Holy Trinity: God the Father, who gave Mary the honor to be the most worthy among His daughters; ...


In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Rising from sleep, I run to You, ...

Nicene Creed

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth, all visible and invisible.
And ...


Sinners beseech thee to hear us.
In order to spare us, we beseech thee to hear us.
In order to forgive ...

Prayer of St. Bernard

Remember, O all-merciful Virgin Mary, that from time immemorial no one has heard of the fact that ...

Prayer of St. Joseph:

Blessed Joseph, we resort to you in our sorrows and, having called for help to the Blessed Virgin, ...

Prayer of Devotion of Oneself and All Humanity to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

- O merciful Jesus, Redeemer of the human race! Look mercifully at us, who are falling to Your throne ...