Novena to the Guardian Angel

My guardian angel, every time I think of you, I remember one gospel truth: “My Angel in heaven always sees the face of my Father in Heaven” (cf. Matthew 18:10). Someday we will contemplate Him together. I am already gladdened by the thought of the day when this happiness will be revealed to both of us. My holy Protector, I bring this novena to God with the intention of …………………………., And above all, so that the promise to be with Him in your closeness be fulfilled in my life and so that with everyone I love, I can meet there.

The first day
We make the sign of the cross.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

“We consider it appropriate to express this in order to fulfill our duty of gratitude in this way. We have always experienced wonderful support from our Guardian Angel. We felt very often that he was next to Us and was ready to help Us ”.
Pius XI

My kind Guardian Angel, help me thank the Almighty for the fact that He was pleased to send me You as a protector. Angel of God, my dearest Patron, to whom His love entrusted me, be by my side every day to illuminate my path, guard me, guide me and guide me. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory to the Father.

Angel, My Holy Guardian,
always with me You stand by my side
Every day, every night
You were quick to help me.
From the evil of the worldly fence
and lead to eternal life.

Second day
"Guardian Angels do not leave us even when we leave God."
St. Francis de Sales
Heavenly warrior, ask for forgiveness for me for everything that I grieved my God and You, when I neglected Your warnings and advice.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory to the Father.
Angel, Guardian My holy ...
Day three

“It is He who allows me to see in a new way and makes it so that on the most unpleasant path under my feet the azure of heaven is mixed. It is He who extracts moral meaning and thanksgiving from every thing for me and makes everything around me become a rhythm, an idea, a similarity, a judgment, a manifestation of feelings and a hymn. "
Paul Claudel

Instructor of my heart, strengthen in my soul great reverence for You, so that I will never again dare to do in Your presence what would cause you pain.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory to the Father.

Angel, Guardian My holy ...
Day four

“Seraphim was surrounded by a bright glow, it reflected the closeness of God, God's love. (…) I said to Seraphim: "Could you confess me?" And he answered me: "No spirit in heaven has such power."
St. Faustina Kowalska
My caring doctor, teach me to fight my vices and help me recover from bad habits and many shortcomings that torment my soul.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory to the Father.

Angel, Guardian My holy ...
Day five

“Trusting communication with angels gives a sense of security. Our invisible Friends share with us their peace - a peace gleaned from God, who truly is the "Ruler of history."
Pius XII
My faithful companion, ask for the strength for me to overcome all obstacles that I meet on the path of virtue, and genuine patience in the trials of this life.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory to the Father.

Angel, my holy Guardian ...

Day six

"The presence of the angels gave me such great joy that if I had not experienced it myself, I would never have believed in the opportunity to see their faces."
St. Angela of Foligno
My mighty intercessor before God, seek for me the grace of obeying your holy advice and reconciling my will with the will of God in any deeds.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory to the Father.

Angel, Guardian My holy ...
Seventh day

"When I woke up, I looked in the direction from which I heard the voice ... I see a child dressed in white, about four or five years old, who tells me:" Get up quickly and go to the chapel where the Holy Virgin is waiting for you! " ... I followed him, and he was all the time to my left, shining with bright rays wherever he walked. (...) I think that this child was my Guardian Angel ... "
St. Catherine Laboure

The purest spirit, shining with God's love, ask for the Divine flame for me, and with it true devotion to Your worthy Queen and my kind Mother Mary.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory to the Father.

Angel, Guardian My holy ...
Day eight

"Not only among people, but even among angels, there is no more sublime business than to praise your Creator and bring His creation to Him."
St. Ignatius Loyola

My devoted protector, help me to adequately repay Your love and kindness and to cultivate with all your might the faith in God that You have.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory to the Father.

Angel, Guardian My holy ...
Day nine

"If it is really important for us that the angels are our faithful friends, then we must diligently avoid everything that offends them, and exercise those virtues that are dear to them."
Blessed. Peter Faber
Blessed servant of the Most High, ask for me from the Merciful God that the day will come when I would have the good fortune to occupy one of the places left by Your rebellious comrades in the sky.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory to the Father.

Angel, Guardian My holy ...

BAuger, who gave us His angels as guardians, friends and intercessors, be glorified in them. I hope that, out of Your kindness, You will give us everything that will lead us to eternal good. Glory for all the mercies requested in this novena, which You showed us through the intercession of the angels.