Litany to Saint Monica

Lord have mercy!

Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Jesus, heed us,

Jesus, hear us.

Heavenly Father,

God, have mercy on us.

Son, Redeemer of the world,

God have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit,

God, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one God,

have mercy on us.

Holy Mary,

pray for us.

Holy Mary, who conceived without sin,

pray for us.

Saint Joseph, head of the Holy Family,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, example for Christian wives,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, who by her example and prayer helped to convert her husband,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, type of a reverent mother,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, type of a reverent widow,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, mother of Saint Augustine,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, who mourned bitterly for the errors of her son,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, truly tireless in her prayers for his conversion,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, protection of your fallen son,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, honored that her tears for her son were not in vain,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, comforted by seeing her son's conversion,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, that together with her son she was honored to talk about God and eternal life,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, who through her filial prayers found peace in the world of God,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, never bypassing the intercession of her mothers, who, like herself, pray and cry,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, who has already come to the aid of many mothers in their fear of the heart,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, protect the innocence of our children,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, send the youths strength against the temptations of this world,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, grant mercy to lost children, so that they are not deaf to the instructions of their mothers and indifferent to the suffering of mothers,

pray for us.

Saint Monica, entrust Christian mothers to the care of the Most Holy Virgin, Mother of mothers,

pray for us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

forgive us, Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

hear us, Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us, Lord.

Let us pray:

Oh God, You have mercy on the tears of Saint Monica and gave her more than she asked You for. You not only sent down the grace of conversion to her son Augustine, but you also raised him to the heights of holiness. Allow us, Most Merciful Father, with great trust and humility to pray to You for our children, so that we may see their salvation and become worthy of holiness ourselves. We ask You about this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
