Prayers for the dead

Grant them eternal rest, Lord,
and may eternal light shine on them.
- Lord have mercy.
- Christ, have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Our Father ...
- From the gates of hell
- Deliver, Lord, his (her, their) soul (soul) .
- May it rest (rest) in peace. Amen.
- Lord, hear my prayer.
- And my cry come to you.
- The Lord is with you
- And with your spirit.

Let's pray.

God, who has eternal mercy and forgiveness!
We humbly pray to You for the soul of Your servant (Your servant) N ,
whom You (now) have called from this world,
may you not surrender it to the power of the enemy and will not forget it forever, but you will
command Your holy angels
to accept it and bring it into Paradise abode,
so that, who believed in You and trusted in You,
she would not be subjected to the torments of hell,
but receive eternal bliss.
Through Christ our Lord.
