Prayer of St. Joseph:

Blessed Joseph, we resort to you in our sorrows and, having called for help to the Blessed Virgin, betrothed to you, we hope for your protection.
For the love that has united you with the Most Pure Virgin Mary, and for the sake of your fatherly love for the Infant Jesus, we pray you: look mercifully at the inheritance that Jesus Christ acquired at the cost of His Blood, and help us, O powerful patron, in our needs.
Wise guardian of the Holy Family, protect the chosen people of Christ. Loving father, save us from all dangers, delusions and defeats in the struggle that we are waging against the forces of darkness. And just as you once saved the Infant Jesus from mortal danger, so now protect the holy Church from the wiles of the enemy and from all calamities. Stretch your reliable cover over each of us, so that, following your example and with your help, we can lead a godly life, peacefully complete it and achieve eternal bliss in heaven.
