Prayer of Devotion of Oneself and All Humanity to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

- O merciful Jesus, Redeemer of the human race! Look mercifully at us, who are falling to Your throne with deep humility.
- We are Yours, and we want to be Yours.
- Desiring, however, to unite even more closely with You, each of us today voluntarily devotes himself to Thy Sacred Heart.
Many have never known You, many have denied You, despising Your commandments. Have pity on both, O good Jesus, and draw everyone to Thy Sacred Heart. Be the King, Lord, not only of the faithful, but those who have never forsaken You, but also the prodigal sons who have departed from You.
- Bring them soon to the Father's house, so they will not perish from spiritual poverty and hunger.
- Be King also those who have been misled by false talk or disagreement has led to schism. Bring them back to the abode of truth and to unity in faith, so that soon there will be one flock and one Shepherd (John 10:16).
Also, bring everyone who does not yet know You into the family of believers.
Grant, Lord, Thy Church complete prosperity and freedom, grant all peoples a peaceful prosperity, so that from all corners of the universe they sound unanimously:
- Glory to the Divine Heart, through which salvation is given to us! Glory to Him and honor forever and ever.
