Litany of St. Guardian Angels

Lord have mercy! Christ have mercy!

- Lord have mercy!

Christ, hear us!

- Christ, heed us!

Heavenly Father, God!

- have mercy on us.

Son, Redeemer of the world, God!

- have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit, God!

- have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one God!

- have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, Queen of Guardian Angels

- pray for us!

Holy Angels proclaiming the deeds of God to people

- pray for us!

Holy Angels, who have taken upon themselves the duty to keep people

- pray for us!

Holy Angels constantly contemplating the face of the heavenly God the Father

- pray for us!

Holy Angels rejoicing in the repentance of sinners

- pray for us!

Holy Angels, who brought Lot out of the midst of sinners

- pray for us!

Holy Angels, who announced to people the joyous birth of Christ the Lord

- pray for us!

Holy Angels who served the Lord Christ in the wilderness

- pray for us!

Holy Angels who brought Lazarus into the bosom of Abraham

- pray for us!

Holy Angels, sitting at the Holy Sepulcher in a white garment

- pray for us!

Holy Angels who appeared after the ascension of the Lord to His disciples

- pray for us!

Holy Angels, transmitting to God the prayers of pious people

- pray for us!

Holy Angels present at the dying

- pray for us!

Holy Angels, elevating the souls of the dead to heaven, cleansed of all sinful impurity

- pray for us!

Holy Angels, manifesting miracles by the power of God

- pray for us!

Holy Angels, appointed over kingdoms and states

- pray for us!

Holy Angels, who freed people from imprisonment and all other dangers

- pray for us!

Holy Angels who comforted the holy martyrs during their sufferings

- pray for us!

Holy Angels, who on the day of the Last Judgment will come before Christ the Lord with the sign of St. Cross

- pray for us!

Holy Angels, who will gather the elect at the end of the world

- pray for us!

Holy Angels, who separate the evil from the good

- pray for us!

Be merciful to us

- listen to us, Lord!

From all dangers through St. Guardian Angels

- Deliver us, Lord!

From all delusion and ignorance

- deliver us, Lord!

From fever, hunger, fire and war

- deliver us, Lord!

From eternal death

- deliver us, Lord!

From sudden and unexpected death

- deliver us, Lord!

We sinners pray to You, God,

- heed us, Lord!

So that You have mercy on us, we pray You

- listen to us, Lord!

That Thou may be pleased to rule Thy holy Church and keep it, we pray to Thee

- listen to us, Lord!

So that you deign to grant peace and harmony to Christian sovereigns, we pray to you

- listen to us, Lord!

So that you deign to grant the harvest and allow you to harvest it intact, we pray to you

- listen to us, Lord!

So that You deign to grant eternal rest to the faithful who have died, we pray to You

- listen to us, Lord!

So that You deign to bless us in all our deeds, we pray You

- listen to us, Lord!

So that you deign to graciously accept our prayers, we pray to you

- listen to us, Lord!

Lamb of God, bearing the sins of the world,

- let us go, Lord!

Lamb of God, bearing the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, who bears the sins of the world,

- listen to us!

Lord have mercy! Christ have mercy!

- Lord have mercy!

V. Lord! Hear our prayers.

R. And let our cry come to You.

Let's pray.

Almighty and merciful God, who has protected us with an angelic guard! We pray to You that, being under the protection of Guardian Angels, we will be freed from evil thoughts in our hearts and delivered from sinful passions in our bodies. Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
