Litany to the suffering Mother

Lord have mercy.

Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Christ, heed us.

Christ, hear us.

Heavenly Father,

God, have mercy on us.

Son, Redeemer of the world,

God have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit,

God, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one God,

have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, who conceived without sin,

pray for us.

Holy Mother of God,

pray for us.

Mother of Christ,

pray for us.

Mother of our crucified Savior,

pray for us.

O suffering Mother,

pray for us.

O Mother, shedding tears,

pray for us.

O sad Mother,

pray for us.

O Mother forsaken,

pray for us.

O inconsolable Mother,

pray for us.

Sword pierced Mother,

pray for us.

You are the queen of martyrs,

pray for us.

You are the mother of the oppressed,

pray for us.

You are the comforter of the saddened,

pray for us.

You are the helper of the needy,

pray for us.

You are the protection of the abandoned,

pray for us.

You are the support of widows and orphans,

pray for us.

You are the hope of the dejected,

pray for us.

You are the fortress of the weak in spirit,

pray for us.

You are the refuge of sinners,

pray for us.

You are the healing of the sick,

pray for us.

You are the hope of the departed,

pray for us.

You are the mother of mercy,

pray for us.

For the sake of Your poverty in the stable of Bethlehem,

pray for us.

For the sake of Your pain at the hour of Simeonov's prophecy,

pray for us.

For Your sad flight to Egypt,

pray for us.

For Your anxious search for the Lost Child,

pray for us.

For Your sorrow over the persecution of Your divine Son,

pray for us.

For the sake of Your fear and Your need, in the hour of Jesus' captivity,

pray for us.

For the sake of Your pain for the betrayal of Judas and the lies of Peter,

pray for us.

For the sorrowful meeting with Your Son on His bloody Way of the Cross,

pray for us.

For the torment of Your Heart during the crucifixion of Jesus,

pray for us.

For mortal pain to the dying Jesus,

pray for us.

For the sharp pain that pierced Your heart, when the Heart of Jesus was pierced,

pray for us.

For the sake of your weeping over the holy relics on your knees,

pray for us.

For Thy sorrow at His tomb,

pray for us.

For the sake of Your inconsolable loneliness after His burial,

pray for us.

For the tears that you shed for your beloved Son,

pray for us.

For the wonderful devotion with which You endured Your grief,

pray for us.

O Queen of peace and peace,

pray for us.

In all our troubles,

pray for us.

In sickness and pain,

pray for us.

Pray for us in sorrow and dejection.

pray for us.

In poverty and abandonment,

pray for us.

In fear and danger,

pray for us.

Pray for us in every temptation.

pray for us.

At the hour of death,

pray for us.

Pray for us on Judgment Day.

pray for us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

forgive us, Lord!

Lamb of God, taking away the sins of the world,

hear us, Lord!

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us. Lord!

Christ, heed us.

Christ, hear us. Lord have mercy.

Christ have mercy.

Lord have mercy.

Verse: Pray for us, Holy Mother of God.

Answer: May we be rewarded with Christ's promises.

Let us pray:

O Lord Jesus Christ, the sanctified soul of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Thy beloved Mother, in the hour of Thy suffering, was pierced by the sword of pain. We pray to Thee, let her be an intercessor before Thy mercy now and in the hour of our death, for you live and rule, O God, forever and ever.
