Novena to Judah Thadeus

Saint Tadeus is the guardian of the disadvantaged.
Saint Jude-Tadeus acquired from God a special privilege to hasten with salvation to the call of people driven to despair. St. Brigitte, whom Jesus Christ instructed her to pray to Saint Thadeus in all sorrow and misfortune.

This great saint, so close to Jesus, does not leave anyone who turns to him with help in despair and begs for affection. This mighty Patron has never failed. Many people were convinced of this. An article was published in the "Messenger of the Most Sacred Heart" magazine that one person turned to St. Apostle Thadeus in a hopeless deed, promising 12 Services of God for souls in purgatory, and waited for his happy request.
Therefore, let no one lose hope, but be placed under the care of St. Tadey with complete confidence; prays fervently and will be listened to.

I ordinate to appeal to St. Tadei, in order to provide himself with substitution and protection not only throughout his life, but above all at the hour of death.

Saint Tadeus, I open my soul and heart before You. Here I am weakening in the struggle of life, falling from the burden of worries that suppress me to the ground, like a heavy cross.

You see well that my strength has weakened, and the last hope leaves me, leaving me in the twilight of despair. In this hour of sorrow and despair, I run to You, begging for Your substitution before God. O Saint Thadeus, guardian of the dispossessed, do not leave us. Hurry to salvation, listen to my requests and ask God for what I am asking of You at this moment.
"Our Father" ... "Virgin Mary" ... "Glory to this day" ....


Saint Tadeus is a great miracle worker.
During his lifetime on earth, St. Tadeus was endowed by Jesus Christ with the affection to work miracles. There is a legend that the king of Edessa fell ill with leprosy, once an incurable disease. Poor lepers must live in complete isolation, so as not to spread the infection, and at the same time in complete hopelessness and hope for a cure.

The King of Edessa heard about the miracles that Jesus Christ, who was then living on earth, performed and sent his servant to Him with a request for salvation. These were the last days of the Savior's apostolic work. Jesus Christ refused to travel to Edessa, and entrusted this mission to his beloved disciple Judas-Tadeus, who, after the death and Sunday of his Teacher, went to Edessa. The king already knew about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and believed that he was the Son of God, and therefore he received the holy Apostle, the messenger of Jesus, with great honors. With the touch of his hands, Saint Tadeus miraculously healed the believing king and many of his subjects. And this miracle worked so that the king and everyone who recovered became Christians.

Let this affection create miracles, given to St. Thadeus, will strengthen our trust in His care. Let us kneel before His image.

I promise never to doubt, but always to turn with fervent faith to Saint Thadeus, the reliable Patron of all who turn to Him.

St. Tadeus, miracle worker, is hopelessly difficult and bitter for me. However, I take off this sad mood and stretch out my pleading hands to You. If You have created a cure for the leper king, then I also have the hope that You will save me from the despair that envelops me. O holy Apostle and Martyr, listen to my sick voice, which rises to You from the abyss of despair, and beg for me God's mercy.
"Our Father ...", "Virgin Mary ...", "Glory and now ..."


St. Tadeus is the Great Apostle of Christ.
Together with Saint Semyon he carried out the apostolic work in Persia, where he led many pagans to the true faith. Their activities did not please the pagan priests, who were in the darkness of idolatry. Therefore, they accused the holy Apostles before the King of Persia, seeking their condemnation to death.

In order to fulfill their demands, they prepared several poisonous snakes and at a certain time released them to St. Tadeya and Semyona. But, to the great surprise of the king and everyone present, the snakes did not touch the saints, but rushed at the pagan priests and caused a terrible commotion. And only the voices of Saints Tadeus and Simeon calmed the angry vipers, who at the call of the saints, obediently crawled to their feet and froze on their shoulders.

This miracle of God led to numerous conversions to Christianity, and the King of Persia not only gave life to the Apostles, but he himself accepted the Christian faith. Let the mention of God's blessings revealed by Saint Tadem fill our hearts with the belief that everything we ask for on His behalf is possessed by the Most High Lord God, who bestows Saint Tadem with special love.

At any time and in any need I will turn to Saint Thadeus for help, in order to provide His tireless and mighty care in this way.
Prayer :

O Saint Tadei, I believe more and more and more and more hope that You will listen to my prayers, which I bring in this nine-day. Have mercy on me and intercede for me before Jesus Christ and beg for fun and good for me, for which I fervently beg.
"Our Father ....", "Virgin Mary ....", "Glory and now ...."


Saint Tadeus is a wonderful intercessor in unjust processes.
When Saints Tadeus and Simeon studied in Babylon, the pious youth Ephrozin was with them, who did a good deed for them. This young man was noted for his pure life and special respect for Christ's science. And now an unworthy slander was made against him, which brought him to the royal court.

Namely: a certain woman from a noble family accused him of bringing her together, declaring at the same time that he was also the father of her illegitimate child. Apparently someone persuaded her to slander so that the holy Apostles and their deacons would be dishonored in the eyes of newly converted Christians. Tadei and Simeon arrived at the trial to defend the accused. Many curious Christians and pagans were present at this judgment. The apostles asked the king to order the baby to be brought into the hall.

When their request was fulfilled, they ordered the baby in the name of Christ to testify whether Ephrozin was really his father. And now the surprised crowd heard loudly and expressively from the mouth of the baby that the accused young man was completely innocent.

The amazed king demanded from the Apostles to order the child to identify the real culprit. But they replied that they were called to defend the innocent, and not to identify those who deserve punishment. Thanks to this miracle, Ephrozin was justified, and the king, together with his retinue, was baptized and helped the holy Apostles in the great cause of spreading the Christian faith in his kingdom. Let this miracle awaken in all those offended and not truthfully accused, faith in the guardianship and defense of Saint Tadeus, who is just waiting, as it were, to hurry with everyone's help.
I resolve not only to personally pray to Saint Tadeus, but also to give others piety to that good Saint, who so joyfully intercedes before God for all who ask for His help.

Prayer :

About Saint Thadeus! Do not leave me. You, who healed lepers, tamed snakes and with the mouth of a baby saved an innocent from judicial punishment, deign to beg God for the benefit of salvation in my difficult experiences. In You is all my hope and support. Pray for me and save me, and I will spread the honor of you as a reliable guardian everywhere.
"Our Father ...", "Virgin Mary...", "Glory and now ..."


Saint Tadeus is a wonderful assistant and assistant in studies and exams.
St. Tadeus, You had a common name with Judas-Iscariot and was considered Him, therefore at first the faithful did not honor You. But now, You joyfully rush to help those who turn to You.
Obviously, Jesus Christ, seeking to reward Him for this involuntary long-term oblivion, joyfully listens to numerous requests. The respect and words of Saint Tadeus are growing every day. One young man had to pass a difficult exam in a specialized discipline. In the meantime, poor health and almost an entire daytime classes did not allow him to prepare enough for the exam ...

Disappointment and oppression enveloped him, and finally complete despair. Then he remembered that St. Judah-Tadei. He turned to Him with fervent prayers for help, promising to send a thanksgiving Nine and submit a note about the good received to the "Messenger of our Jesus Christ" magazine. What joy and gratitude this young man was to St. To the Apostle, when the examination was successful, despite the poor health that day. This shows that St. Tadei really listens attentively to earthly prayers and begs for all the worshipers the necessary benefits from God's mercy.

I decree not to miss a single day without a short prayer, or at least with a sigh to Saint Thadeus. And then, not only by asking for oneself, but also for the purpose of honoring His sincere kindness for all those who turn to Him.


About Saint Thadeus! With faith in You, I drive away anxiety and disturbing thoughts. In four days I will finish the Ninth to You, will You listen to my prayers, or will you weigh on my despair and the need for salvation, support? O Saint Thadeus, do not let me fall into disappointment. I firmly believe that you will listen to my pleas. Oh, I see You, as You submit my request to Jesus Christ and intercede for me. Thank you, my patron! Ask God and beg for me what I beg You for ...
"Our Father ...", "Virgin Mary...", "Glory and now ..."


Saint Tadeus is a powerful guardian and deputy of his admirers.
One book dedicated to the celebration of Saint Tadeus tells about a woman who chose this saint for her guardian. BUT, after a while, she did not like his name, because of its consonance with the name of Judas Iscariot, and she discarded it. Then in the night a saint appeared to her with a stern face brighter than lightning and said: "Well, for you I am a vile and unworthy Judas"?

The next day the woman fell seriously ill and lay in bed for a year. This is how God punishes a frivolous attitude towards St. Tadei - the patron of the unfortunate and abandoned. Let us honor the name of this Apostle, love Him as He deserves it. We are trying to reward Him for years of oblivion.
Admonition: I will certainly beg for the help and care of St. Judas-Tadeya in all sorrow, sorrow, and I will give Him due honor.

About St. Tadey! I know that you will not leave me, but nevertheless I cannot imagine this happy day when my desires will be listened to and blissful joy will take over my sorrow. O great intercessor! Approach a moment of consolation, show us, the unfortunate, your power and mercy, have mercy and stand up for us.
"Our Father ...", "Virgin Mary...", "Glory and now ..."

Saint Tadeus is the guardian in the last minute of life.
An excellent example of piety towards the holy Apostle was given to us by St. Bernard of Clairvaux, who throughout his life kept the relics of St. Tadeya, and before his death he bequeathed them to be placed on his chest after his death. Since he wanted to have in the holy Apostle a mighty guardian even after death, since during his lifetime he had in Him a defender of angelic courtesy and a reliable Substitute in all matters. Therefore, let us also imitate St. Bernard in revealing honor and love for St. Tadey, we will try to find at least a small icon, icon, little book or medallion of this mighty Wonderworker, and this will help us in prayer and bring us closer to Him.

I will pray to St. Tadey about ardent love for Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Mary, as well as about the blessing of a happy death. I will zealously spread this piety in honor of St. Tadeya, wherever possible, in order to win His constant care by his diligence.

Prayer :

O holy Judeo-Tadeus, wonderful vigilance in heaven! Undeservedly forgotten to the Apostle of Christ, intercede for us. I stand above the abyss into which I will fall if Your mighty hand does not hold me. My human mind is lost in helplessness. Providence seems to me far, unattainable. All my hope is in You. Ask for fun and change in life so that my requests and sighs are not useless. Reward me for the injustice done to me.

"Our Father ...", "Virgin Mary ...", "Glory and now ..."


Saint Tadeus is the apostle of mercy, the guardian of the dispossessed, the poor and the orphans, grieved, offended and unjustly condemned.
Almsgiving brings forgiveness for sins. It cleanses the sinner in the sight of God and averts punishment. St. Gregory of Nazyaz writes: "The merciful have the key to the execution of the good of God", the Holy Apostle Peter says: "Love covers the magnitude of sins" (And Peter 4: 8). “Water extinguishes a blazing fire, but alms resists sins,” the Holy Spirit affirms through the mouth of the Lord's Sage. (enz. 33). “Help the wretched, and you will find paradise,” says St. Methodius. From the life of St. We know Tadeus that, in addition to the apostolic labors, he also performed works of mercy. The holy apostles Tadeus and Simeon had a holy deacon to distribute alms.
The above quotes from the Holy Letter and the Church Fathers teach us how much mercy has in God. And what about those who themselves live in poverty, suffer from hunger and do not have the opportunity to give alms to others. The Prophet Isaiah explains it this way: “When you give your bread to the hungry, fill the depressed soul, then your light will shine in the darkness, your darkness will be like the south” (Isaiah 58, 10). After all, mercy and love for one's neighbor are related not only to the body, but also to the soul. The poorest can say a kind word or comfort the grieved and offended. That is, if we are wealthy - we help the poor with alms, and if we ourselves are in a difficult material situation - we carry a ray of hope and joy where darkness reigned, and then our own soul will become "like the south, shining with the sun's rays."

To ask forgiveness from God for my sins, I ordain to perform merciful deeds, remembering that "blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy."

Prayer :

O Saint Thadeus, finishing this nine-day tomorrow, I recall with anxiety my requests to You. Reconsider my life, maybe you will find some kind of good deed that God can ask for mercy.
May the grave condition of my sick soul touch You. Do not leave me, no matter how you have left many who turned to You, but gave them what they fervently begged.
"Our Father ...", "Virgin Mary...", "Glory and now ..."


How to spread the cult of St. Tadeya and Ask for His intercession.
In many countries, especially in Italy, France, Germany and America, Saint Tadeus is honored in numerous churches and chapels with icons of this Great Wonderworker, who is famous for his unusual miracles. Numerous pilgrims arrive to those places for celebrations and divine services, holidays, nine days. Many priests and laity also come there to entrust their and others' requests to His wonderful care and substitution.

On the altars and walls of these temples, there are lamps of thanks and donations, which testify to the special help that this great Intercessor from the treasury of the goods of God provides to the grieved. Therefore, each of us, when we find ourselves in a difficult situation, heavy grief, can make an appeal to this saint.

For listening to Saint Thadeus's request, in gratitude for the blessing received, make some kind of donation in front of His icon. We believe that the distribution of this brochure, which should call for the spread of piety to this Wonderworker, and will bring relief to more than one desperate soul, will also be a successful means of securing the substitution of St. Tadeus.


I order to spread the piety to St. Tadey. In addition to donations in honor of this Deputy, I also decide to add donations for my guilt and sins and strive to improve my life with faith in this mighty Guardian.
Prayer :

About Saint Thadeus! Knowing that my sins "exceeded my head." I acknowledge that my current despair can be a just punishment for repeatedly hurting Almighty God. But this punishment is too heavy for my human strength and deprives me of all hope. Today, on the last day of this nine-day, I do not stop crying out to You out of deep grief for salvation.

Holy Miracle Worker, hurry up and immediately beg the merciful God to grant me absolution for all my guilt and stop punishing me. Most Glorious Apostle, St. Tadeya, for the sake of this love, with which your heart burned for Jesus Christ, do not leave me in this desperate hour. O Lord, listening to the faithful and the obedient, give me, for the sake of substitution of the holy Apostle Jude-Tadeus, the blessing that is most needed for my soul. About Jesus Nazarite, King of Glory, Blue of the living God, have mercy on me. Amen

"Our Father ...", "Virgin Mary...", "Glory and now ..."