The deed of dedication to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

O Most Holy Trinity: God the Father, who gave Mary the honor to be the most worthy among His daughters; God the Son, who has honored Her grace to be His Mother; God the Holy Spirit, who chose Her as His Bride - in union with the Most Holy Mother of God of Fatima, who predicted the conversion of Russia, we believe in You, worship You, trust in You and love You.

O Mary, invoking Your protection, we dedicate and entrust ourselves, our families and our Motherland to Your Immaculate Heart. Be our Mother, Intercessor and example of serving God. Inspire us to the feat of faithful service to You, Your Son and His Church in this historical and fateful time of the approaching Great Jubilee of 2000 and lead us into the third millennium worthy of the high calling of Christians. You, Who maternally understands the difficulties and hopes of our life, especially in the struggle between good and evil, hear our call for help and in the arms of Your Mother's love, cover us, worried about our mortal and eternal fate.

O Most Pure Mother of God, present before the throne of the All-Merciful and Almighty God our thanksgiving for the abundance of graces that He bestows on Russia, our repentance for the sins of the people and our sacrifice, ask for blessings for the future, for the achievement of peace, harmony and mutual understanding. Through your intercession, may He favor efforts to unite Christians in the name of the Lord's covenant: `` May I be all one ''; let him look mercifully on His Church, granting Her complete freedom and the grace of many and holy vocations to the priesthood and monasticism; bless the state authorities in their concern for the welfare of the people, their spiritual development and the observance of justice; may he care for our families that they are strong by God and indestructible; may he endow children and youth with spiritual, intellectual and physical development and keep them from sinful temptation; let him show the lost way of conversion; let unbelievers lead to the knowledge of the truth; sinners - to repentance; let him take pity on the sick and the poor, the afflicted and the burdened - over all who are in need.

O Most Holy Mary, Patroness of the Russian land, we resort to your protection. Take our dedication to You. Be with us on the paths of faith, hope and love. Through your intercession, may the conversion of hearts come and may good prevail. Pray for us that, fulfilling the will of the Most High, we will always be like Your example, serving him and our neighbor. We ask our Lord through Christ.
