First day novena to the Holy Spirit

Novena, or nine-day prayer, traces its roots to the prayer of the apostles together with the Most Holy Theotokos after the Ascension of Christ. For nine days they were in prayer, preparing to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit commanded by the crucified and risen Lord (Acts 1: 13-14). The Church, imitating the apostles, performs such a prayer service before the feast of Pentecost. It begins on Friday after the Ascension.

Oh Creator Spirit, come

Oh, Creator Spirit, come
And visit the souls of the faithful,
Give the mortals of heaven the grace,
To save the created.
You are the Comforter of the whole earth,
You are God and God's best gift,
Anointing of hearts,
Living spring, fire of love.
You are the grace of the seven bounties
And the power of the Eternal Father,
You are the speech bequeathed to us,
Transforming hearts.
Enlighten your mind with radiance,
Give holy love to your heart,
fill the fragility of our mortal bodies with Your strength.
Drive away the enemy far away,
May Your peace be with us,
May we turn away from evil,
That tempts the human race.
Lead us to the Lord the Father
And let us know the way of the Son,
And You are the Breath of love,
Until the days of our death, be with us.
Praise the Heavenly Father,
In glory with Him is the Risen Son.
And He who comforts us is
holy and eternal and one. Amen.

Opening Prayer:

God, the Holy Spirit, Who, on the birthday of the Church, deigned in a visible way to descend upon the apostles in order to enlighten their minds, to ignite their hearts, to establish them in faith and to sanctify their lives, in this novena we earnestly ask You that You deign to give us those but gifts for our sanctification and the growth of the glory of God. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Reading the Holy Gospel of John
"Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone is thirsty, come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture says, from his belly will flow rivers of living water. He said these things about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him had to receive ... "(John 7: 37-39)
Prayer in silence
Song to the Holy Spirit
Rosary Ten: The Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

O Divine Holy Spirit! Today I want to be alone with God and my own soul. All the people whom You honored with Your grace were alone.
Mary was alone in contemplative prayer, when Thy power overshadowed Her; moving away from the world, the Apostles in the Upper Room of Jerusalem prayed for the Spirit-Comforter sent down from heaven; all who sought You found You. So I bow down before You alone.

My soul is before You, like an empty open cup. Cleanse it of everything that could disturb this holy peace, and then fill it by pouring in the precious moisture of Your grace.

Come, O Spirit of love, and bestow my soul with holy warmth, persistent warmth of God, so that I can overcome the half-heartedness, frivolity and superficiality of my being. I call to You, Spirit of creation, fill me with Your love and power! Amen.

Let's pray:

Lord, Jesus Christ, just as a tree, having received water, grows, develops and bears fruit, so we want to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit and bear the fruits of virtue.



Oh Creator Spirit, come
Oh, Creator Spirit, come
And visit the souls of the faithful,
Give the mortals of heaven the grace,
To save the created.
You are the Comforter of the whole earth,
You are God and God's best gift,
Anointing of hearts,
Living spring, fire of love.
You are the grace of the seven bounties
And the power of the Eternal Father,
You are the speech bequeathed to us,
Transforming hearts.
Enlighten your mind with radiance,
Give holy love to your heart,
fill the fragility of our mortal bodies with Your strength.
Drive away the enemy far away,
May Your peace be with us,
May we turn away from evil,
That tempts the human race.
Lead us to the Lord the Father
And let us know the way of the Son,
And You are the Breath of love,
Until the days of our death, be with us.
Praise the Heavenly Father,
In glory with Him is the Risen Son.
And He who comforts us is
holy and eternal and one. Amen.

Reading to the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to Titus
God "saved us by His mercy, through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, which He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, being justified by His grace, we might become heirs of eternal life in our hope" (Titus 3, 5-7) ...
Prayer in silence
Song to St. Spirit

Gift of wisdom
Holy Spirit, we ask You for the gift of wisdom in order to better understand You and Your Divine perfection.

The gift of wisdom allows us to participate in the wisdom of Jesus, allows us to see people, things, events and their relationships with each other, as He sees them. This gift allows us to look at reality through the eyes of God and see everything in an eternal perspective. Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote about wisdom as "God's instinct." The gift of wisdom has more to do with love than reason. Its opposite is stupidity, which is a lack of taste for what is divine. When thinking about life, stupidity takes no account of the cross, or death, or the fragility of life. She does not see God in anything and narrows the horizons of life to a transitory earthly existence.
Holy Spirit, Giver of the gift of wisdom, illuminate us
Rosary Ten: The Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit

Prayer of St. Augustine to St. Spirit

Breathe in me, Holy Spirit, So that I think about the saint.
Motivate me, Holy Spirit, to do holy things.
Mani me, Holy Spirit, That I love the holy.
Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, so that I keep the holy.
Keep me, Holy Spirit, so that I never lose it.

Let us pray:
God, who abundantly poured out on us the Holy Spirit at baptism, grant mercifully that He would support our striving for heaven, encourage us, teach, enlighten, comfort, strengthen, heal, justify and save.



Oh Creator Spirit, come
Oh, Creator Spirit, come
And visit the souls of the faithful,
Give the mortals of heaven the grace,
To save the created.
You are the Comforter of the whole earth,
You are God and God's best gift,
Anointing of hearts,
Living spring, fire of love.
You are the grace of the seven bounties
And the power of the Eternal Father,
You are the speech bequeathed to us,
Transforming hearts.
Enlighten your mind with radiance,
Give holy love to your heart,
fill the fragility of our mortal bodies with Your strength.
Drive away the enemy far away,
May Your peace be with us,
May we turn away from evil,
That tempts the human race.
Lead us to the Lord the Father
And let us know the way of the Son,
And You are the Breath of love,
Until the days of our death, be with us.
Praise the Heavenly Father,
In glory with Him is the Risen Son.
And He who comforts us is
holy and eternal and one. Amen.

Reading the first Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Corinthians

"... All of us by one Spirit were baptized into one body, Jews or Greeks, slaves or free, and all were watered with one Spirit" (1 Cor. 12:13).
Prayer in silence
Song to St. Spirit

Gift of reason
Holy Spirit, we ask You for the gift of reason in order to comprehend the secrets of the holy faith.

The gift of reason is the art of penetrating the mysteries of God. The gift of reason understands the connection between the Cross of Christ and the Holy Trinity, between my cross and the love of God in the specific circumstances of my life and personal destiny. It helps to deeply understand what is most important: life, love, death. Without this gift, a person is not able to look with courage at what is happening to him, he loses his "spirit". "Reasonable" means "considering God."
Holy Spirit, Giver of the gift of reason, teach us.
Rosary Ten: The Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit

Daily dedication to the Holy Spirit of St. Arnold Janssen

God, Holy Spirit, sweet love of the Father and the Son! To fully belong to You, I give now and forever: my heart, my body, my soul, all my strengths and abilities, my sufferings and joys, my life and death. I also give those who are close and dear to me, everything that I am and possess, so that You yourself can dispose of this and overshadow me with Your Love both now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Let us pray:

Holy Spirit, God of unity, harmony and peace, we humbly pray to You that You will always unite all believers in Christ in His Holy Church.


Oh Creator Spirit, come
Oh, Creator Spirit, come
And visit the souls of the faithful,
Give the mortals of heaven the grace,
To save the created.
You are the Comforter of the whole earth,
You are God and God's best gift,
Anointing of hearts,
Living spring, fire of love.
You are the grace of the seven bounties
And the power of the Eternal Father,
You are the speech bequeathed to us,
Transforming hearts.
Enlighten your mind with radiance,
Give holy love to your heart,
fill the fragility of our mortal bodies with Your strength.
Drive away the enemy far away,
May Your peace be with us,
May we turn away from evil,
That tempts the human race.
Lead us to the Lord the Father
And let us know the way of the Son,
And You are the Breath of love,
Until the days of our death, be with us.
Praise the Heavenly Father,
In glory with Him is the Risen Son.
And He who comforts us is
holy and eternal and one. Amen.
Reading the second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians
"He who confirms you and me in Christ and who anoints us is God, who also sealed us and gave the pledge of the Spirit in our hearts" (2 Cor. 1: 21-22).
Prayer in silence
Song to St. Spirit

Gift of advice
Holy Spirit, we ask You for the gift of advice, so that we may seek advice from You about everything and always find it from You.

The gift of counsel is the ability to navigate the moral issues of life. It allows you to enjoy life, its simple and even ordinary manifestations. It allows you not to get confused, calms down the anxiety generated by doubts, because of which a person postpones the adoption of "moral" decisions. The gift of advice brings peace of mind, fills with enthusiasm, gives the ability to act. This gift is a source of inspiration, passion, active interest in life.
Holy Spirit, Giver of the gift of counsel, guide us.
Rosary Ten: The Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit
Our God, Father!
You sent Your Spirit to Mary And filled Her with courage to accept that which is impossible. You gave Your Spirit to the Apostles And strengthened them to overcome all fear. You promised Your Spirit to the Church and called Her to spread the Work of Christ. Likewise, You gave us Your Spirit And made us able to trust You infinitely, Expect Your new reality, Serve each other sincerely. Father, stay with us with the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let's pray:
Holy Spirit, we thank You for the fact that You have imprinted in us the image of God, which is a guarantee of eternal happiness and a call to holiness.


Oh Creator Spirit, come
Oh, Creator Spirit, come
And visit the souls of the faithful,
Give the mortals of heaven the grace,
To save the created.
You are the Comforter of the whole earth,
You are God and God's best gift,
Anointing of hearts,
Living spring, fire of love.
You are the grace of the seven bounties
And the power of the Eternal Father,
You are the speech bequeathed to us,
Transforming hearts.
Enlighten your mind with radiance,
Give holy love to your heart,
fill the fragility of our mortal bodies with Your strength.
Drive away the enemy far away,
May Your peace be with us,
May we turn away from evil,
That tempts the human race.
Lead us to the Lord the Father
And let us know the way of the Son,
And You are the Breath of love,
Until the days of our death, be with us.
Praise the Heavenly Father,
In glory with Him is the Risen Son.
And He who comforts us is
holy and eternal and one. Amen.
Reading the first Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Romans
"The Spirit strengthens us in our weakness; for we do not know what to pray for, as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings unspeakable. He who tries the heart knows what the Spirit has, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God "(Rom. 8: 26-27).
Prayer in silence
Song to St. Spirit

Gift of the fortress
Holy Spirit, we ask You for the gift of strength, so that, freed from the fear of death, we allow Your hope to lead us through all the trials of earthly life.

The gift of fortress nourishes hope and, most importantly, frees a person from fear of the worst enemy - death. It gives strength of mind, which is necessary in difficult life situations, such as illness, separation, loss, in situations that we know that they will not have a Hollywood "happy ending". The gift of fortress allows you to draw vitality from the source of life - from God Himself.
Holy Spirit, Giver of the gift of strength, strengthen us.
Rosary Ten: The Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit
Prayer of John Paul II
Holy Spirit, Spirit of Pentecost, help us to clarify what we are not sure of, to warm what is barely glowing, to illuminate what is hidden in the darkness, so that in the face of the world we would be genuine and noble witnesses of the love of Jesus, therefore that "no one can live without love."

Let's pray:
Lord, Jesus Christ, thanks to the Holy Spirit living in us, our prayer is able to tame the temptations of Satan and the world, and is also able to worship you, with the Father and the Holy Spirit.


Oh Creator Spirit, come
Oh, Creator Spirit, come
And visit the souls of the faithful,
Give the mortals of heaven the grace,
To save the created.
You are the Comforter of the whole earth,
You are God and God's best gift,
Anointing of hearts,
Living spring, fire of love.
You are the grace of the seven bounties
And the power of the Eternal Father,
You are the speech bequeathed to us,
Transforming hearts.
Enlighten your mind with radiance,
Give holy love to your heart,
fill the fragility of our mortal bodies with Your strength.
Drive away the enemy far away,
May Your peace be with us,
May we turn away from evil,
That tempts the human race.
Lead us to the Lord the Father
And let us know the way of the Son,
And You are the Breath of love,
Until the days of our death, be with us.
Praise the Heavenly Father,
In glory with Him is the Risen Son.
And He who comforts us is
holy and eternal and one. Amen.

Reading the Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians
"Walk in the spirit, and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh, ... But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, mercy, faith, meekness, temperance. " If we live in the spirit, then we must act in the spirit "(Gal 5: 16.22-23.25).
Prayer in silence
Song to St. Spirit

Gift of Guidance
Holy Spirit, we ask You for the gift of knowledge, so that in our life we ??may be guided by the truths of the same faith.
This gift helps to learn the truth about God and it is on this truth to build the process of knowing oneself, people and the whole world. The Holy Cur of Ars spoke about this gift in the following way: "A Christian who is inspired by the Holy Spirit is able to know. The eyes of the world cannot see beyond this life. Just as my eyes cannot see beyond this wall when the church door is closed. But the Christian's eye sees to the very depths. " And Saint Teresa of Lisieux wrote: I know love, oh yes! And I only thirst for such knowledge. "
Holy Spirit, Giver of the gift of knowledge, dispel my ignorance
Rosary Ten: The Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit
The act of consecration to the Holy Spirit
Oh, Holy Spirit, God's Spirit of light and love, I dedicate to You my mind, my heart, my will and my whole being in this life and in eternity.
May my mind always obey Your heavenly inspiration and the teachings of the holy Church, for which You are an infallible Guide.
May my heart always be filled with love for God and neighbor,
and may my whole life be a faithful inheritance of the life and virtues of Jesus Christ, Who, together with the Father and You, may there be honor and glory forever. Amen.

Let's pray:
Lord, multiply our faith and always enlighten us with the light of the Holy Spirit, so that we walk in the Spirit and rejoice in its fruits.


Oh Creator Spirit, come
Oh, Creator Spirit, come
And visit the souls of the faithful,
Give the mortals of heaven the grace,
To save the created.
You are the Comforter of the whole earth,
You are God and God's best gift,
Anointing of hearts,
Living spring, fire of love.
You are the grace of the seven bounties
And the power of the Eternal Father,
You are the speech bequeathed to us,
Transforming hearts.
Enlighten your mind with radiance,
Give holy love to your heart,
fill the fragility of our mortal bodies with Your strength.
Drive away the enemy far away,
May Your peace be with us,
May we turn away from evil,
That tempts the human race.
Lead us to the Lord the Father
And let us know the way of the Son,
And You are the Breath of love,
Until the days of our death, be with us.
Praise the Heavenly Father,
In glory with Him is the Risen Son.
And He who comforts us is
holy and eternal and one. Amen.

Reading the first Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Romans
"Do you not know that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you, which you have from God, and you are not your own? For you have been bought at a price. Therefore, glorify God also in your bodies ... "(1 Cor. 6: 19-20).
Prayer in silence
Song to St. Spirit

The gift of piety
Holy Spirit, we ask You for the gift of piety, so that we always serve Your greatness with filial love.
The gift of piety gives us the ability to perceive God as a Father and to be in His presence, as a child is in the presence of a beloved father: in simplicity, with warmth, reverence and tenderness, glorifying Him and worshiping Him. Jesus gives us an example of how to "be godly": with His conversion "Abba", with His prayer, with His trust and obedience. But godliness is also expressed in how we treat people. It is recognized by its sensitivity, delicacy, cordiality. Affectionateness is a "litmus test" of piety. The opposite of piety is the inability to understand others, hard-heartedness, insensitivity. Godliness is rooted in the artless realization that you are a child of God. It is this feeling of oneself that gives strength and bears fruit. And if there is no such awareness, then you are unkind to yourself, and to God, and to people ...
Holy Spirit, Giver of the gift of godliness, let us endure in serving God.
Rosary Ten: The Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit
Prayer for the fruits of the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, God, the eternal Love of the Father and the Son, be pleased to endow me with Your love, so that I love God and my neighbor. Give me Your joy, so that only in You I seek consolation and rejoice in the graces received from You.
Give me Your peace, so that I can keep it in my relationship with God and with people. Give me longsuffering so that I bear all wrongs with meekness and benevolence. Fill me with Your goodness and kindness, so that I will be with my neighbors polite, attentive, full of sympathy and always ready to help - to their joy and benefit. Grant me mercy so that I can willingly and quickly respond to the needs of others. Give me faithfulness to take on responsibilities with discretion and discretion, and once accepted, diligently fulfill them. Give me meekness, so that you accept the shortcomings and weaknesses of your neighbors without condemnation, and forgive all offenses quickly and willingly.

Let us pray:
God, as long as we live in the body, we are fighting against evil, do so that with the help of Your Holy Spirit abiding in us, we overcome all temptations and temptations and can enter into eternal life.


O Creator Spirit, come
Oh, Creator Spirit, come
And visit the souls of the faithful,
Give the mortals of heaven the grace,
To save the created.
You are the Comforter of the whole earth,
You are God and God's best gift,
Anointing of hearts,
Living spring, fire of love.
You are the grace of the seven bounties
And the power of the Eternal Father,
You are the speech bequeathed to us,
Transforming hearts.
Enlighten your mind with radiance,
Give holy love to your heart,
fill the fragility of our mortal bodies with Your strength.
Drive away the enemy far away,
May Your peace be with us,
May we turn away from evil,
That tempts the human race.
Lead us to the Lord the Father
And let us know the way of the Son,
And You are the Breath of love,
Until the days of our death, be with us.
Praise the Heavenly Father,
In glory with Him is the Risen Son.
And He who comforts us is
holy and eternal and one. Amen.
Reading the first Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians
"The eyes did not see, the ear did not hear, and that did not come into the heart of man, which God had prepared for those who loved Him. And God revealed it to us by His Spirit; for the Spirit penetrates all, and the depths of God " (1 Cor. 2: 9-10).
Prayer in silence
Song to St. Spirit

The gift of the fear of God
Holy Spirit, we ask You for the gift of the fear of God, that no earthly fear and no earthly attachment could turn us away from You.
The gift of the fear of God is the kind of love for God that realizes its own fragility. This is the fear of breaking off the relationship with Him. It is a deep sense that God is a mystery that cannot be played. It is the fear that you are not able to accommodate the great love of God, and at the same time, a strong desire to belong entirely to God. The fruit of this gift is responsibility for oneself and others. The fear of the Lord does not crush, but expands the heart and brings joy. In this sense, this gift brings together all biblical spirituality.
Holy Spirit, giver of the fear of God, deliver us from all sin.
Rosary Ten: The Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit
Prayer to the Holy Spirit of St. Alphonse Liguori
Oh Holy Spirit, Divine Paraclete, Father of the Little ones, Comforter of the afflicted, the sanctification of our souls. You filled the soul of the Most Pure Virgin Mary with immeasurable grace and inflamed the hearts of the apostles with holy zeal. Deign to embrace my heart with your love.
You are the Divine Spirit, strengthen me to fight against evil spirits;
You are a fire, kindle the fire of Your love in me;
You are the Light, enlighten me, giving me knowledge about the eternal;
You are a dove, cleanse my temper;
You are a gentle breath, dispel the storms that raise passions in me;
You are the mouth, teach me to sing your praises incessantly;
You are a cloud; cover me with the shade of Your protection;
You, the Giver of all the gifts of heaven!
I pray Thee, revive me with grace, illuminate with Thy goodness, guide me with Thy wisdom, adopt Thy kindness and save Thy infinite mercy, so that I never cease to bless You, love and praise, first on earth, and then in eternity.

Let us pray:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle the fire of Your love in them, so that we love God with all our hearts and enter eternal happiness and joy with Him.
