Novena for the Day of Our Lady of the Virtuous Wife

In the Catholic Church, there is a tradition of special prayers for nine days before the commencement of the commemorated event. The Day of Our Lady of the Virtuous Wife is an important holiday in the life of the Pastoral Center for Migrants in Tel Aviv. It is celebrated next Saturday - May 10th.

1. Is it time for you to live in your decorated houses, while this house is desolate? (Hag 1: 4)
She girdes her loins with strength and strengthens her arms. (Proverbs 31:17)
Lord, at the request of our Mother of God the Virtuous Wife, we appear before You and ask you to build our community in Tel Aviv. Be our support through all trials and unite us in love and constant desire and serve You with all your heart. Come and renew our strength in us by the Holy Spirit, breathe new beginnings in us in the construction of Your Kingdom. Grant everyone zeal and dedication to Your gospel.
Our Father,
Hail Mary ... (10 times)
2. And they came and began to do the work in the house of the Lord of hosts, their God (Hag 1:14)
She rises at night and distributes food in her house and routine to her maids. (Proverbs 31:15)
Lord, at the request of our Mother of God the Virtuous Wife, we pray for all migrants in the world who had to leave their homeland to find work or refuge. Become their home, home and consolation. Help them find the funds they need to meet the needs of them and their families so that they can help those in need even more.
Our Father,
Hail Mary ... (10 times)
3. But take courage now, Zerubbabel, says the Lord, take courage, Jesus, son of Yosedek, great priest! be of good cheer, all the people of the earth, says the Lord, and do the work, for I am with you, says the Lord of hosts. (Agg 2: 4)
Strength and beauty are her clothes, and she looks cheerfully at the future. (Proverbs 31:25)
Lord, with our Mother of God the Virtuous Wife, we entrust you with the care of all children, especially those who are in dangerous conditions of war, hunger and disease. We stand before You praying for the orphans and the abandoned. Grant everyone the help of tugs, as well as courage and generosity in those who serve them.
Our Father,
Hail Mary ... (10 times)
4. Thus says the Lord of hosts: Turn your heart on your ways. (Hag 1: 7)
She opens her hand to the poor, and gives her hand to the needy. (Proverbs 31:20)
Through the patronage of Our Lady of the Virtuous Wife, we pray to You, Lord, for all the inhabitants of the neighborhood of this area, in whose midst You have placed us. Give their hearts Your light and hope. Help everyone in need and everyone in despair. Make us witnesses of Your love, so that Your Name may be proclaimed.
Our Father,
Hail Mary ... (10 times)
5. Go up the mountain and carry trees and build a temple; and I will have a good pleasure in him, and I will be glorified, says the Lord (Hag 1: 8)
She feels that her occupation is good, and her lamp does not go out even at night (Proverbs 31:18)
Through the patronage of Our Lady of the Virtuous Wife, we ask You, Lord, to manifest your glory among us. Let the light of Your Gospel shine through us, so that we can become missionaries of Your love wherever you send us to live and work. May our life show the testimony of Your Kingdom.
Our Father,
Hail Mary ... (10 times)
6. And Zerubbabel, the son of Salafiel, and Jesus, the son of Yosedek, and all the rest of the people obeyed the voice of the Lord their God and the words of Haggai the prophet, as sent by the Lord their God, and the people feared the Lord. (Hag 1:12)
She opens her mouth with wisdom, and gentle instruction on her tongue. (Proverbs 31:26)
Lord, through the patronage of the Mother of God of the Virtuous Wife, we ask You to keep our unity in prayer, our aspiration in trusting your Word; strengthen in the joy of Your ministry. We ask You to reveal many callings to serve You.
Our Father,
Hail Mary ... (10 times)
7. I am with you, says the Lord of hosts (...) and My spirit abides among you: do not be afraid! (Hag 2: 4-5)
Her husband's heart is confident in her, and he will not be left without profit (Proverbs 31:11)
Lord, through the intercession of our Mother of God the Virtuous Wife, we ask for protection for our brothers and sisters, all Christians who suffer for their faith, for their origin or religious affiliation in the region and around the world. Grant to everyone the grace of faith in the Holy Spirit, Protector and Comforter. Give everyone the strength to testify to You.
Our Father,
Hail Mary ... (10 times)
8. The glory of this last temple will be greater than the first, says the Lord of hosts; and in this place I will give peace, says the Lord of hosts (Hag 2: 9)
"There were many virtuous women, but you surpassed them all." (Proverbs 31:29)
Lord, through the intercession of our Mother of God the Virtuous Wife, we pray to You for peace here and in all our native countries. Make us peacemakers, upholding justice and mercy. We entrust to You all the victims of conflicts and their loved ones, so that they find comfort in You.
Our Father,
Hail Mary ... (10 times)
9. For I have chosen you, says the Lord of hosts. (Agg 2:23)
Who will find a virtuous wife? her price is higher than pearls (Proverbs 31:10)
Lord, through the intercession of our Mother of God the Virtuous Wife, we pray for the Holy Land in which we live. Bless all its inhabitants and leaders, and protect them. Inspire those with responsibility to act for the common good. Fill us with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Goodness and Power, so that everyone will work with all their hearts to create a just society where everyone has a place.
Our Father,
Hail Mary ... (10 times)