Litany for the dead

Lord have mercy!

Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Jesus, heed us.

Jesus, hear us.

Heavenly Father, God,

have mercy on us.

Son, Redeemer of the world,

God have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit, God,

have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one God,

have mercy on us.

Holy Mary,

pray for them.

Holy Mother of God,

pray for them.

Holy Virgin among virgins,

pray for them.

Mother of the grace of God,

pray for them.

Mother of mercy,

pray for them.

Heaven's gates,

pray for them.

Saddened Comforter,

pray for them.

Holy Archangel Michael,

pray for them.

All holy Angels and Archangels,

pray for them.

Saint John the Baptist,

pray for them.

All holy patriarchs and prophets,

pray for them.

Saint Joseph,

pray for them.

All holy Apostles and Evangelists,

pray for them.

All holy Disciples of the Lord,

pray for them.

All holy innocent children,

pray for them.

All holy Martyrs,

pray for them.

All holy Bishops and Confessors,

pray for them.

All holy Teachers of the Church,

pray for them.

All holy shepherds,

pray for them.

All holy monks and hermits,

pray for them.

All holy virgins and women,

pray for them.

All Saints of God,

pray for them.

Be merciful to them,

forgive them, Lord.

Save them from all evil.


Save them from your anger.


Save them from the severity of Thy judgment.


Save them from deep sorrow,


Save them from agonizing anguish,


Save them from all punishment,


Save them through Your holy incarnation,


Save them through Thy grace-filled birth,


Save them through your baptism and holy fasting,


Save them through Your deep humility,


Save them through Your perfect obedience,


Save them through Your voluntary poverty,


Save them through Your patience and meekness,


Save them through the bounty of Thy Love,


Save them through Your bitter sufferings,


Through your mortal fear on the Mount of Olives, save them,


Save them through Your captivity,


Save them through Your monstrous scourging,


Save them, O Lord, through the shameful crowning of Thee with thorns.


Save them through shameful abuse of You,


Save them through Thy lawless condemnation,


Save them through your suffering Way of the Cross,


Save them through your painful crucifixion,


Through your painful abandonment, save them,


Save them through Your bitter death,


Save them through Your holy Wounds,


Save them through Your pierced Heart,


Save them through Your glorious Resurrection,


Save them through Your wondrous Ascension,


Save them through the messenger of the Holy Spirit,


Save them through the merits of Your Holy Mother,


Save them through the merits and intercession of all the Saints,


We poor sinners ask you to hear us,


So that you show mercy to all the departed faithful Christians, hear us,


In order to grant them participation in all the good deeds of Christianity,

hear us, Lord.

So that he was always ready to hear our prayer for them,

hear us, Lord.

So that you command your holy angels to comfort them,

hear us, Lord.

That Thou, through Thy holy Archangel Michael, lead them to the eternal light,

hear us, Lord.

In order to save the souls in whose sufferings we are guilty,

hear us, Lord.

So that, first of all, you have mercy on souls, whom no one on earth remembers,

hear us, Lord.

So that Thou art worthy of all those who believe in Christ Thy merciful love,

hear us, Lord.

So that Thou art rescued our parents, relatives and friends from purgatory,

hear us, Lord.

In order to bring you to the eternal light of our departed confessors and higher instructors,

hear us, Lord.

So that You may grant eternal rest to our departed teachers and mentors,

hear us, Lord.

So that Thou art rewarded our deceased benefactors from Thy greatness,

hear us, Lord.

So that all the departed of our community were accepted into Your community of bliss,

hear us, Lord.

So that you grant eternal rest to all the souls of the departed faithful Christians,

hear us, Lord.

You, King of Greatness,

hear us, Lord.

Jesus, Son of God,

hear us, Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

forgive us, Lord!

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

hear us. Lord!

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us, Lord!

Let's pray:

the Lord is over life and death. Show immeasurable mercy to Your servants, who believed in You and trusted in You. Grant them absolution of all faults and punishments and free their souls from purgatory! Through Christ our Lord.
