Litany to Angels

Angel of God, my Guardian, enlighten, protect and guide me.

Lord have mercy!

Christ have mercy.

Lord have mercy.

Christ, heed us!

Christ, hear us.

Heavenly Father, God,

have mercy on us.

Son, Redeemer of the world,

God have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit,

God, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one God,

have mercy on us.

Holy Mary,

pray for us.

Holy Mother of God,

pray for us.

Holy Virgin over virgins,

pray for us.

Saint Michael, who protected the people of God,

pray for us.

Saint Michael, who banished Satan and his minions from heaven,

pray for us.

Saint Michael, that when our brothers die, drives away the accusers of hell from them,

pray for us.

Saint Gabriel, who sent down the prophecy to Daniel,

pray for us.

Saint Gabriel, who announced the birth and destiny of John the Baptist,

pray for us.

Saint Gabriel, Messenger of the Divine Word,

pray for us.

Saint Raphael, who reliably guarded Tobias on his way back,

pray for us.

Saint Raphael, who drove out the demons in the desert,

pray for us.

Saint Raphael, one of those Seven who stand before the throne of God,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, found around the Throne of God,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, ceaselessly praising and glorifying God,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, scattering our ignorance,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who broadcast to people about the Divine,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, appointed by God to protect people,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who every hour in heaven behold the Father,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, that rejoice at every repentant sinner,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who brought Lot out of the circle of iniquity,

pray for us.

Holy Angels that raise and lower Jacob's ladder,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who transmitted the Law of God to Moses at Sinai,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who informed people about the birth of Christ,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who served Christ in the wilderness,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who carried Lazarus to Abraham's bosom,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who sat in their dazzling whiteness on the Holy Sepulcher,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, that on the day of the Last Judgment they will go ahead of Christ with the sign of the cross,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who will record all the atrocities,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who will separate the damned from the righteous,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who convey human prayers to God,

pray for us.

Holy Angels who help the departed,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who accompany the purified poor souls to heaven,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who are sent to serve people, heirs of salvation,

pray for us.

Holy Angels that are placed over all kingdoms and provinces,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who rescue the faithful to God from all the dangers of life,

pray for us.

Holy Angels, who bring comfort to the martyrs in their suffering,

pray for us.

All choirs of holy spirits,

pray for us.

Deliver us through the Angels,


Deliver us from the cunning of the devil,


Deliver us from all heresies and schisms,


Deliver us from sudden death,


Deliver us from eternal destruction,


We sinners ask You Hear us through Thy Angels,


That you have mercy on us,

hear us, Jesus.

That you forgive us,

hear us, Jesus.

In order for You to desire to guide and support Your Holy Church,

hear us, Jesus.

In order for you to desire to protect our Holy Father and all Christian estates,

hear us, Jesus.

So that you give the nation's peace and harmony,

hear us, Jesus.

That Thou hast vouchsafed all the fallen believers with eternal rest,

hear us, Jesus.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

forgive us, Jesus.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

hear us, Jesus.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us, Jesus.

Let's pray:

Almighty, Eternal God! Grant us the assistance of Your heavenly army, so that thanks to it we are protected from the threatening attacks of evil enemies, and through the precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of the Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin Mary, freed from every need, we could again serve You in the world. For Christ our Lord.


Let us, O Lord, breaking free from the chaos of our time, through Thy Angels find shelter in the beauty and harmony of Thy Kingdom for ever and ever!


Holy Angels, help us to persevere in humility, so that someday we may become partakers of Divine mercy. Let us not lose heart if our earthly sufferings and torments are in vain, let us be generous in gifts, trials and sacrifices, until God calls us.
