Christ, hear us.

Christ, hear us.

God the Father,

have mercy on us!

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

have mercy on us!

Holy Spirit, God,

have mercy on us!

Holy Trinity, one God,

have mercy on us!

The Father's Eternal Word, made flesh and dwelling among us,

have mercy on us!

Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament, as God and man,

have mercy on n s!

Perpetual Sacrifice of the New Covenant,

have mercy on us!

Living Bread descending from heaven,

have mercy on us!

Hidden God and Savior,

have mercy on us!

Bread transformed by the omnipotence of the Word,

have mercy on us!

Diet selected c h,

have mercy on us!

Angelic Feast,

have mercy on us!

Memorial of the Passion of Jesus Christ,

have mercy on us!

Evidence of God's love for us,

have mercy on us!

Mystery of faith,

have mercy on us!

Incomprehensible miracles,

have mercy on us!

Covenant of love and peace,

have mercy on us!

Source of all graces,

have mercy on us!

Pledge of a glorious resurrection,

have mercy on us!

Strengthening for the way of eternity,

have mercy on us!

Escape of sinners,

have mercy on us!

Weak support chi fallen ones,

have mercy on us!

Doctor of the sick,

have mercy on us!

Consolation of the sad,

have mercy on us!

Divine Prisoner on our altars,

have mercy on us!

Be merciful to us,

spare us, Lord,

be merciful to us,

hear us, Lord.

From than that worthy sue your Body and Blood of the Virgin,

save us, O Lord!

Save us from sinful flesh movements,


From pride of every kind,

save us, Lord!

From the dangers of the soul and the opportunities that lead to them,

save us, Lord!

From bra k in love for another human being,

save us, O Lord!

From everyone's sin,

save us, Lord!

Through Your Most Holy Incarnation,

save us, Lord!

Through your bitter passion and your death,

save us, Lord!

By the desire to sue the Lamb wielkanocneg about with His disciples,

save us, O Lord!

By the infinite love you have shown us by setting up the Holy. Sacrament of the Altar,

save us, Lord!

Through your most precious Blood, which you left us in the Sacrament of the Altar,

save us, Lord!

Through the deepest humility , presented at the Last Supper, the washing of the feet of the Apostles,

deliver us, O Lord!

For five wounds of the Holy. Your body, which you allow yourself to be inflicted for love for us, save us, Lord!

We sinners, we ask you,

hear us, Lord!

You honor and deep the marriage for this Saint. He has deigned to keep the sacrament in us and to keep multiplying in us,

we ask you, hear us, Lord!

That you would allow us to receive you worthily in Holy Communion. By true repentance he deigned to prepare,

we pray you, hear us, Lord!

Ab s s via the Bread of Angels all evil deign to destroy us,

you hear us, O Lord!

In order to keep and strengthen us in Your holy grace,

we ask You, hear us, Lord!

That you would deign to free us from all the snares of our enemies,

we pray you, hear us, Lord!

That through this mystery of love you would deign to unite us more and more perfectly,

we pray you, hear us, Lord!

That you would deign to nourish us with this heavenly food at the hour of death,

we pray you, hear us, Lord!

That you would deign to hear us,

we pray you, hear us, Lord!

Son of God, Source of grace and mercy ,

we ask You , hear us, Lord!

Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,

spare us, Lord!

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,

hear us, Lord!

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us!

Our Father ... Hail ...

V. Jesus, present under the appearance of bread on our altars.

R. Strengthen us with Your Body and Your Blood.

Let us pray:

God, who in this Miraculous Sacrament left us a memorial of Your Passion, grant us the grace that we may Most Holy. They accepted Your body and blood with dignity and as often as possible for the healing and salvation of our souls, and thus secured the Kingdom of heaven for themselves. Who with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit. you live and reign for ever and ever.
